Our Stagehands

Owner, Guitar / Bass Instructor, Audio Engineer
Music has always been something that I’ve found runs at the core of who I am. From my earliest memories I remember sitting down in front of a stereo system looking through my fathers huge CD and Vinyl collection. I would spend a lot of time listening to all different genres of music and developing a deep appreciation for the art. This took greater form in later years where I picked up an acoustic guitar that was laying around the house and opened a scale/chord booklet. 16 years later and I’m still fascinated with the instrument. From that day on the guitar became a part of me and a means of expression. Throughout high school I found solace in playing music and met many other great musicians, some of whom I formed a band and toured with. From there I started teaching at a local music school where I worked for 10 years. Through these experiences I learned that I not only loved playing music but I loved sharing it with others. For me there is no greater feeling than helping others find their inspiration and sharing the joy of music.
Guitar / Bass, Drum, Piano Instructor
After training under our owner Lou from the age of 13, I branched into my own teaching career, to give to others what he had given to me. Although I started out just playing guitar, I eventually went on to learn bass, drums, and piano. I've played in band settings for years and I find that my experience with these performances really helps me in guiding my students with not only their instrument, but their stage presence as well. Music is my passion and I hope to help you find yours in the studio soon! Some of my musical influences are Metallica, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Guns N Roses, The Foo Fighters, and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Drum Instructor
I received my first drum kit at the age of 6, which kicked off my journey into the world of music. As fun as it was, my real progress on drums came after I discovered the game Rock Band. It exposed me to so many different genres of music, reignited my interest in drums, and helped me learn basic timing and rhythm. From there I went on to learn by listening and following along to songs that I loved. I saved up for a new drum kit and haven’t stopped playing since. Over the years I’ve played solo and in band settings. Now I aim to help others fall in love with music the way I have and guide them along in honing their skills.
Vocal and Piano Instructor
I'm currently studying music education at Wagner College, which I've found gives me the perfect foundation for teaching my vocal and piano students. I really got into music around age 12 when I started theatre. From there I have been involved in theatre, choir, and have worked on growing myself as a musician mainly through my voice, but also trying to pick up a few instruments along the way such as Piano, Ukulele, and Guitar. I’ve also learned a few percussion instruments through college and by the time spring 2025 rolls around, I will have had training in a wide variety of instruments. I aim to help my students grow and thrive the same way I have over the years.